Actinium Explorer

Network Summary


3.096 GH/s

Total Transactions


Unconfirmed Transactions

0 tx (96 B)


12.12 x 1018 hashes


113.85 x 10

Blockchain Size

663.9 MB


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Latest Blocks

HeightTimestamp (utc)AgeMinerTransactionsAverage FeeSize (bytes)Weight (wu)
1.286.6052024-07-27 06:40:256:41?10195780 (0%)
1.286.6042024-07-27 06:37:169:50?102781.004 (0%)
1.286.6032024-07-27 06:36:5910:07?10195780 (0%)
1.286.6022024-07-27 06:36:1710:49?10195780 (0%)
1.286.6012024-07-27 06:31:0715:59?10195780 (0%)
1.286.6002024-07-27 06:27:2919:37?20.00582ACM2.4065.658 (0.1%)
1.286.5992024-07-27 06:24:4022:26?10195780 (0%)
1.286.5982024-07-27 06:21:4725:19?10195780 (0%)
1.286.5972024-07-27 06:19:2727:39?10195780 (0%)
1.286.5962024-07-27 06:19:1427:52?102781.004 (0%)

Transaction Stats Summary

PeriodTransactionsTransactions Per Sec
24 hours5990.0069
1 week4.1670.0069
1 month17.8740.0069
1 year216.7120.0068
All time1.496.1720.0076